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Boundaries and Regulations

The reality is that if people want to live in a civilized society with other humans, there needs to be regulations. Like it or not, anarchy and civility are not exactly consistent with each other.

Regulations are not only what allows society to exist, it is literally what allows existence to exist.  

Regarding the physical world, the universe is made up of various patterns of energy, particles, atoms and molecules that have various individual characteristics.

By definition, the only reason anything physical exists, or happens is because of the limitations, boundaries, regulations and the restrictions imposed on these particles or forces by what many call “Nature.”  The tangible matter of the universe had to be separated and regulated in order for our reality to be something other than a universe that is disordered chaos. Likewise, time adheres to restrictions. Time flows in only one direction (forward).

Restrictions are necessary for our day to day activity. The examples are everywhere and in everything. In driving, we need road signs, lights, and lanes. In cooking we need restrictions.  Salt is good but only in moderation. Restrictions allow language, art, and financial systems to function. A computer functions because of codes programmed using various combinations of zeros and ones. The examples are endless.

Without regulations, all of existence, absolutely everything from the living to the inanimate, from the tangible to the intangible, would cease to exist. Without restrictions, existence would melt into empty lonely chaotic muck.

Without restrictions mankind is reduced to an animal-like life of selfishness and self-gratification.  And even our treasured domesticated animals are only of value after we have trained them with boundaries and restrictions.

To live in a civilized manner with others, some governing entity needs to be in place. Hopefully with the correct priorities and in the right direction (forward).