I’d like to introduce the number 1 (One) and a new way of looking at it.
The theme of this oneness begins with the assumption that all people should strive to have a good life. That does not necessarily include or exclude the following: Fame, fortune, popularity, physical or mental stamina, number of descendants, good looks, the number of possessions, amount of vacations, pleasures,…. You get the picture, at the end of the day a good life is actually irreverent to most of the things we have been told we need.

The assumption goes on that the best form of education is by observing the world around us. For example when we study biology and how it adapts to its environment we can learn to adapt ourselves to various situations better. When we try to understand not only that some types of art are more pleasant, but if we can know why they are more appealing, we will be more able to beautify our surroundings.

As scientists probe deeper into space and particles, the one consistency found is that matter tends to join together. They can now see galaxies forming and understand the models of atoms and molecules.
Tangible matter when joined can be purposeful.

Randomness and chaos are the opposite. Particles and space matter when alone remain purposeless. But joined as a galaxy rotating around a center they form a beautiful site that radiates light.

Some where in human history people realized that there is enormous value in working together for common goals. By abhorring disunity and seeing themselves as one unified entity, cooperating for a common purpose, they could have more control over their destiny.

The word “one” is difficult to define. In mathematics it is the first positive, or the whole. “One” also suggests the absence of separation. A perfect example is when two single people marry, they become one entity or as with a club or association. In this sense, the word “one” is adhering to the strict mathematical definition, where one can be divided into an infinite number of fractions or elements. Nonetheless the fractions, at all times and under all conditions make up the one.

When this definition of “one,” is understood and recognized universally, people will ultimately “learn war no more” As we gain wisdom understanding and knowledge by observing the ways and order of the universe, seeing the oneness in everything as well as mankind, this will lead to a new era. In other words understanding the oneness within the design of everything is the key that has, and ultimately will unlock humanity from the shackles of conflict and adversity.

Just as our bodies are made of trillions of individual cells, each performing a different job, however they all miraculously work together for the one purpose that gives life to our bodies. The cells are themselves important but the focal point should be on the whole.

When we lose sight of the big picture we resemble what the ancients called idol worshipers.
When people put their reliance on the fragments of life (the superficial or idol) and ignore or deny the whole, they underestimate the purposefulness to life. Along with this mindset they naturally end up overestimating themselves. All this boils down to greed and selfishness. Rather than seeing all things as intrinsically one or whole, and part of something much greater than themselves, they become self absorbed, as there is nothing curtailing their own self importance. This way of thinking will inevitably lead to a meaningless life.

The Idol worship of ancient times, seems inconceivable today. The idea that reasonably intelligent people would worship a figurine that was created by human hands is unimaginable in this day and age. One would think that any culture with the advanced intelligence to design, build, carve, or mold something resembling a being could surely reason this could not possibly be a deity with divine powers.
Although not as blatantly visible, many forms of idol worship are alive and well in this current era. In glorifying the morsels in our society, rather than embracing the oneness we are guilty of this idol worship.

The examples are numerous: Over admiration of famous people, technology, money, and even putting too much belief in a political philosophy, deeming it infallible, are all forms of this mistake.
The advent monotheism (the prefix “mono” is defined as one) turned things upside down somewhere around 4000 years ago.
Two Quotes; One Meaning

“We each decide whether to make ourselves learned or ignorant, compassionate or cruel, generous or miserly. No one forces us. No one decides for us, no one drags us along one path or the other. We are responsible for what we are.” – Maimonides

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela
There is a plethora of books, media and courses dedicated to discovering the secrets to a good life. Can it be that we have been staring at the answer all along?
The universal oneness is a part of ourselves. It was, is, and will be the design of our existence, our reality and the way of the universe. We need only to learn from it.