We will be experiencing a cold civil war over most of the country.
Hopefully it will remain cold but with a bit of reflection we expect a warming trend.
After a quick glance at the core beliefs of the two major political parties, it seems the majority of principles are actually quite similar. The few acceptations seem to be things that are actually exaggerated by the opposing party. They are issues that can easily be sorted out with mature and open minded conversation.
No one will deny that the tone of politics has changed dramatically in the last 10 years or so. What used to be considered thought provoking discussions has morphed into inflamed hot tempered verbal abuse. For lack of a better word; politics have become just plain ugly.
I believe there are multiple reasons for this current civil cold war.
The main reason the problem has been able to foster itself in the first place is an unfortunate and very costly flaw in human nature.
“Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.” Winston Churchill – George Santayana

The vast majority of people are happy and secure in knowing their basic needs are met and desire a peaceful existence with family wholesomeness. However, in every generation there are some who desire power and control over others at any cost.

The most effective and powerful method of manipulating the hearts and minds of your victims is through fear and hatred. Influence by way of projecting horror and terror has had an unparalleled, long history of success in giving rise to dictators, not to mention the accompanying mass death and destruction.
Throughout history most victims of tyrants originally had good intentions, but quickly loose the ability to discern what is happening, as they end up being mesmerized by the apparent self confident charismatic behavior they observe.
It is unfortunate that the ability to unite people, through hatred is vastly more effective than trying to join people together through peaceful means.
For whatever reason, exciting hatred as a formula to control a population works like a well oiled machine. It is a recipe that has been repeated for eons… Project an intensely confident facade, create a monstrous adversary, ignite emotions with fear and panic. Today’s mass / social media has made things faster, easier and more convenient than ever; sprinkle in some sinister visuals and dark background sounds or creepy music, mix well and your revolt / regime should be up and running in no time.

Many other factors contribute to the outrageous current level of hostility.
I personally believe that one or more of the many foreign nations who every day publicly announce their commitment to destroy this country have finally concluded that it can’t be done militarily. On many levels, destruction from within can actually be far superior to a military victory.

The amount of wealth pouring into media and politics has gotten out of control. This huge amount of funding flooding in to all powers that be are fanning the flames of discord. Subtle as well as blatant, venomous messages come at us from all directions, day after day. The impact only reinforces each side that the opposing party is insane and seriously dangerous, but that their belief system is completely flawless as well as 100% righteous.
This civil cold war is actually an information war with spin after spin and neither side is innocent. When messages come in to our mind, even if minimal, but with consistent frequency they have a very powerful effect on mindset. When propagated through every avenue and organization, and if nurtured with unlimited finances, this hatred could easily erode the fabric that holds us together as a people.
Progress is never made when emotions go wild. When a situation boils down to logic versus emotion. I’d like to count on logic. Basically our nation needs to get from A to B regarding both the normal day to day issues and the major challenges. If tempers flare and bitterness is the tone, the road to a solution will always be met with a blockade.
In comparing right wing and left wing core ideals you can see that while not perfectly in line, the commonalities far out number the differences. If we finally take the advice of Winston Churchill we will recognize that the enemy is actually our own stubbornness. As in life, no political agenda is perfect, but the basic desires of society are universal.
Are we unaware victims of a foreign regime trying to brainwash us and create a civil war? Who knows…. Please read the blog “Recognize the enemy.” Regardless, I believe it’s time to just move “forward” and not fall into the trap of hatred and intolerance.
There should be a second golden rule in place: When someone is preaching hatred, walk away. If they are teaching acceptance and love, pull up a chair.

Marvin Gaye had it right in the appropriately named song:
Whats going on.”… You see, war is not the answer for only love can conquer hate” Marvin Gaye
hi there