Why Forward? Why Wing”
Going forward represents perseverance, leaving the negativity behind. Wings represent a swift way to carry one forward. Those who choose positivity and continue forward are always rewarded.

Forward Wing…. The alternative
Forward wing is based on integrity. Being honest with our fellow, and more importantly, honesty with ourselves. The honesty to question what is valid and what is propaganda. The honesty not to blindly follow the trend, just to be considered in with the crowd. Morality within ourselves must take precedence to that which is considered fashionable at the moment.
Truth is not for sale to the highest bidder

Truth is not for sale to the highest bidder. The last few generations have been subjected to a very different indoctrination compared to the totality of human existence. We have been the “marketed generation”. We have been subjected to the ultimate behavior modification machine.
Anyone who has ever trained a dog knows about behavior modification
BTW Check out this amazing dog training system

From childhood on, we are told what we are supposed to want, and what we need to satisfy that want. We are informed where and how to get it. We have been persuaded that happiness, or lack there of, is a consequence of purchasing.
Today, despite the perception of some, people are the wealthiest, and have more of everything at their grasp, than at anytime in history, yet as a society, many are left feeling depressed, futile and angry.