The very premise of Forward Wing is that we will have a much more effective way of governing if we do away with the political party system altogether.
Like any organization, we are run by humans, our belief system is a culmination of our various life encounters. No two people have lived the same lives. Everyone’s mindset is different and should be respected. At the end of the day, the diversity of ideas is the very engine that has advanced society forward.
That having been said…. Here is
Forward Wing Core Set of Beliefs:
1 What you put in is what you become.
The mind is amazing, but it needs wholesome nourishment. Just as if all you eat is french fries, soda and candy you will be unhealthy, so to with your mind.
If you bathe yourself in angry music, watch raunchy or violent things on media and surround yourself with self absorbed, reckless, unambitious people who spend all their energy hating and complaining about what they don’t have, you will believe those ideals, and not have a healthy sound mind body.
2 Live with Gratitude

Imagine if the same time, energy and talent spent on complaining was used for self improvement, to get an education, or working and / or building a business.
Spend your time purposefully, toward positive meaningful life goals.
3 Reaching Out

The concept of reaching out and helping another is the cure for most psychological ailments and in doing so it will elevate you in ways you have never imagined.
A the great sage said “I have learned much from my teachers, more from my colleagues, and the most from my students” R. Chanina
4 Be Open Minded
Be open minded, especially to new information. Of course, like everything in life it requires common sense. Don’t be open minded to doing street drugs or joining ms 13. Being open minded means learning, growing improving oneself based on social ethical morals.
Open-mindedness corresponds with the attribute of humility. The opposite, close-mindedness, is equivalent to arrogance and haughtiness. Can one really believe they have acquired all knowledge and no longer find it necessary to hear another point of view or to increase their wisdom, understanding or knowledge from outside sources? Another great sage of the 1500’s is quoted saying “When one stops growing he is equal to dead.”
5 Question and Question Again

Think independently, and question the validity of new information. Being open minded is not inconsistent with questioning. Studying and deciphering what is truthful is crucial. Unfortunately, in light of the current political, educational and media environment, it has become less likely than ever to find genuine truth and facts, that have not been swayed in some way.

The recent explosion we know today as the “information age” has been intertwined with the misinformation age. The authors of such information seem to have free reign regarding accuracy. Many have become very cunning in clothing truth with exaggeration, spin or using subtle influential gestures. While things may appear proper, remember the classic adage “buyer beware” You must be able to decipher between what is valid from what requires buying into, in order to follow the crowd. Essentially question everything. Do the research from credible sources.
6 Reject, resist, run from hate wherever you find it.
Anger and hate have become so commonplace in politics and the media that we have become both contented and addicted to it, as if it were a form of entertainment.
Excessive hate is counterproductive to producing positive change.

In all history of mankind nothing good was ever accomplished by spreading hatred. Of course there are dangerous people that need to be dealt with for the good of society, but the incitement of repeated raw hatred has never proven beneficial. In fact, history has proven with 100% accuracy, the preaching of hatred has only led to death and destruction.
7 Be Positive, Think Forward Go Forward, Live Forward