Addictions are rampant in the United States…. to the point where we have become addicted to addictions.
To some degree it is a reflection of our success. Please allow me to explain. Just a few generations ago perhaps in the early 1900’s the luxury of free time was virtually nonexistent. The modern conveniences that we take for grated today like quick microwavable meals dishwashers, washing machine refrigeration have released us from much of the drudgery of daily chores.
Why so do people become addicted?
There’s is an element of camaraderie that unifies people that have addictions. Even addictions that seems harmless, like coffee. Those who hang out at coffee shops find comfort not only in their cup, but in just knowing others are experiencing the same buzz is gratifying. Same with social drinkers who tend to become alcoholics over time. Hard drug users enjoy getting high with others.

At the end of the day all addictions stem from the same source in our brains. I agree with most experts, it comes from a need to either kill an emotional pain, to fill that void, that emptiness.
Abraham Twersky, founder of Gateway Rehabilitation Center says ultimately all addictions are the same whether it’s an addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling, abusive behavior, shopping overeating, lust, internet, hoarding. They all stem from the same human deficiency. He gives an amazing scenario as an example which clearly explains the reason people become addicted, beautifully illustrated in the following:
In today’s society many people, on paper seem to have the perfect American life. Many such people have reached financial success, they have beautiful homes healthy children good marriages, good friends, luxuries and yet they find themselves feeling melancholy, even depressed. they seek psychological help and many times turn to legalized medications.
Dr. Twersky then goes off on another tangent. He gives an analogy; A patient goes into a doctor’s office complaining that he’s feeling unwell. The doctor suggest a blood test. Many times it will be discovered that the patient is deficient in calcium or iron. And the cure is simply to prescribe iron or calcium.
But there is nothing in our society that investigates, defines and treats spirituality deficiency. There is no denying that we all need to have are physical needs tended to. But the non physical part of ourselves, our thoughts our creativity all need to be nurtured as well.
I proposed that the American culture has done an incredibly amazing job in the last 250 years leading the world in a way toward material wealth and comfort. The United States driving pursuit to bring greater innovation, wealth and entertainment to the human condition, has certainly bettered life more than any nation and at any time in all humanity. Unfortunately the pendulum may have swung a little to far in one direction. This economy profit driven society is addicted to addictions.
A nice walk in nature or at the beach, sharing deep thoughtful ideas with others, stargazing with a friend, attending a house of worship are just not as profitable as clubbing, going to the mall or shopping online.
The bulk of our sources of information or mass media has indoctrinated this society to consider it un-cool to question, ponder, philosophize about the universe, spiritual matters, nature and life. This much neglected metaphysical part of our makeup is left starving.
As such, getting high even for a short time on anything is the attempt to fill the void within us…. That which is missing even if we have no idea what it is. How can over eating or smoking a cigarette possibly fill a void that is intangible? And that is the whole problem…. It doesn’t.
This explains why the most effective cure for addictions are the 12 step programs. This system is based on the participant fully understanding and accepting that there exists a power greater than themselves.
Now to discuss the new addiction phenomenon in our culture today. Actually this is not a new occurrence at all. It has been around since the dawn of civilization. The addiction is not a substance, a food or an obsession like, gambling or pornography.
This is an addiction that tends to veer its ugly head in every generation. It is especially dangerous not only because of it’s strong uncontrollable urge for greater amounts. The most dangerous aspect of this addiction is that society tends to turn a blind eye to it. Generation after generation this addiction has been responsible for more bloodshed, death and destruction than anything else.
The Addiction is being drawn to, and being excited by hate and anger. It has blossomed in our politics and media in abundance. What used to be a well-mannered intelligent discussion about politics has turned downright ugly.
The news media today, is completely unrecognizable compared to just 10 years ago. A new format exists where commentators and so called experts sit around the table relentlessly ripping apart the latest celebrity or politician they decided to despise.

The only benefit, if you could call it that, is mind control. The promoter of hate does use the power to fuse other naive victims together.
Hate and anger also produces a strong neuro-chemical that mimics chemical drugs Just like drugs as well as other addictions this high never fills the inner void and leaves the sufferer craving more and more. Those addicted to hate need to constantly look for the next target. Just like any addict logic and truth become unimportant and they become trapped in needing more.
What becomes of the society addicted to hate? The history books are filled with one example to the next of the same story with the same results: Proselytizing hate has only led to death and destruction for both the hater and the hated. It is unfortunate that the ability to unite people, through hatred is vastly more effective than trying to join people together through peaceful means. Unfortunately dictators have exploited this human flaw in every generation.

The solution is simpler than you can imagine. Whatever you are addicted to is unimportant. Turn the same conscience thoughts that you have been using to chase that which will never gratify your addiction toward getting closer to that which is greater than yourself.