Actually the benefits, if used wisely, far outweigh any disadvantages.
Economic opportunities, unifying the like minded , stimulating innovation, motivating people, educating, making the planet more in touch and enlightened… The advantages are endless.The ability to exchange information is currently on a scale that has never existed. An idea can be shared instantly and with millions
Muammar Gaddafi
The problem is the word “wisely” has, for the most part, been ignored. Just as fire, when used properly can be a life changing advantage, so too with this relatively new innovation.
Hence the disadvantages;
Those with less altruistic motives, the exploiters, and the power hungry, the demagogues of the world have a new way to tap into the age old temptation of creating a mob mentality.
Unfortunately the ability to unite people by inciting hatred and fear for others has proven far more efficient and effective than uniting through acceptance and love.
It is simply a fact of human nature.
The excitement, the increased heartbeat, the rush of fusing emotions has an addictive quality similar to stimulants.
The writers of television and movies are all too familiar with this idiosyncrasy.
Exciting hatred as a formula to manipulate minds has a long history of success by dictators and tyrants. It is a recipe that has been repeated for eons… Unfortunately igniting emotions with fear and panic works like a charm on the masses.
The school of thought regarding substance abuse addiction
The first Rule in a 12 step program is to admit you are powerless over the addiction and that your life has become unmanageable.
You can’t solve a problem until you acknowledge it.
If you look back in history, every civilization on earth that reached a high level of technology and great affluence has never lasted for more than a few hundred years. The Mayans, Egyptians, and Romans all by any standard were the most powerful, wealthy and advanced civilizations in their time,…. For some reason that historians and archaeologists can not explain they collapsed abruptly.
Wealth, military strength, and an educated population are all meaningless when one is in the grip an addiction
Our society, culture, our media is addicted to hate.
We scroll and search our devices for the most exciting, most angry, most destructive headlines we can find. Our fix is the false high we feel from the latest fix of hatred.
A civilization without moral guidelines will always lead to a degenerate culture. History has proven without exception when the main form of entertainment entertainment becomes violence, hatred and selfishness the glue that holds a society together melts. If continued, the course of this nation will be no exception. Decadence, perversion and depravity, misinformation and hate will ultimately manifest itself as self destruction.
Some say we need to bottom out before we can begin to heal.
Is there a light at the end of the tunnel ?
Turn back to the principles that made us amazing in the first place.
Wholesome morals and values, unconditional respect for others, turning away from those who preach hatred learning from history, recognizing the power of love is a start.
If someone is preaching hatred walk away, change the channel, move on.
The real and permanent solution is to read and live by the 11 next steps to recovery in the 12 steps to recovery.
BTW my favorite is step 2, which is The official motto of the United States of America, (works all the time)