Hate is not new, but how many relate to it is.
Seems today more than ever people love to hate. This is not a new phenomenon but it seems more prevalent than ever. History has proven without exception, that the consequences of excessive hatred, if unchecked, changes people for the worse. It will always produces a mob mentality that will lead to bloodshed in one way or the other.

Excessive incitement of hatred is a part of human nature, it is built into the system.
The positives aspects of hate
If any good can be said about hatred it does unify people. What is relatively new is the passion people display when holding on to their hatred. It is treated is like a valuable possession. Why? As the old adage says “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” For example the United States and Russia were never as close as when they were both at war with Nazi Germany in WWIl.
There is new research on the millennial generation; entitled “Turns out millennials are the loneliest generation” Thanks to social media they are most isolated people ever”

The idea of being accepted into a group with a purpose is more appealing than ever. Buying into a concern, whether it be religious, political, new age, pseudo-spiritual, cult or whatever. The group represents to them much more than a cause, it is more of a necessity.
The Fiery Emotions that Fuel Hatred
The tyrants, totalitarians, demagogues, oppressive dictators, and egomaniacs all have the same agenda in mind. They are always charismatic, energetic and exceptionally confident with their message. They use the pretence of injustice to distribute their message. They act concerned about the people and demand loyalty. They are most effective in manipulating the hearts and minds of their victims selling fear and hatred.
Influence by way of projecting horror and terror has had an unparalleled, long history of success for tyrants.
Throughout history most “victims” of these dictators originally believed the leaders had good intentions. Before they are able to see the truth they quickly lose the ability to discern what is happening, as they end up being mesmerized by the apparent self confident charismatic behavior they observe.
“It is unfortunate that the ability to unite people, through hatred is vastly more effective than trying to join people together through peaceful means.“

Most importantly their only intention is power and greed. Unfortunately the consequences of their actions will always lead to destruction and bloodshed.

The social media coupled with the current atmosphere in our news media has morphed into the newest tool of this age old practice, which is exactly why this millennial generation is the most vulnerable. More than any generation, these people have no idea how easily they are manipulated. They consider their anger and hatred not only a given right that they are entitled to, but consider it a possession that they need to guard with all their might. More importantly, many have unknowingly been conditioned not to question the source or validity of information they are receiving.
Holding on to hate actually goes against the laws of nature. It is unhealthy and counterproductive to living in a constructive society.
The reality is hate is not a rare or precious commodity. Hate is actually quite common and very easy to aquire, especially today. The real precious commodity to achieve, in this environment, is the courage, foresight and strength to walk away from the promoters of hate and find a way, a common ground, to be able to see the good in everyone, and try to understand even those of whom we differ.