What’s wrong with the government today
Is it in harmony with “The Way of the Universe”?
What?….. Huh? The Universe? Really want to understand what’s wrong with the government today? Read more…
Like it or not, this world, the universe, the way of this reality, adheres to rules. For example, gravity always pulls earthward. The earth rotates daily. And regarding time…..

Time moves in only one direction (forward)

One more rule of the universe, But first…
Try to see the big picture…
The Really BIG Picture for a moment.
The ultimate fundamental undeniable truth regarding the main universal rule is that of giving. The universe only gives. It gives and gives and gives. For example, it gives light, energy, tangible matter, and creativity.
When something is so common, so in front of you, it is hard for the human mind to actually stop, step back, and see the big picture. But if you think about it, regarding all things tangible or intangible, the universe only gives and never takes. The concept of giving only goes in one direction.
Wake up
The very idea that we are given another day, or another minute, for that matter is the ultimate in giving. The universe (or your personal belief regarding divinity) is the ultimate giver.
It is just human nature to take commonplace things for granted. Human nature can be very predictable even if paradoxical. A great example is the following quote from Professor Richard Feynman:
“The stupider you are, the smarter you think you are. The smarter you are, the stupider you realize you are.”

There are some thoughts that just ring absolute truth. The world-renowned physicist and Nobel laureate Professor Richard Feynman hits a homerun in describing the irony as well as the fragility of the human ego.
Those who reach higher levels of wisdom become humble enough to acknowledge their own limitations.
With true wisdom, comes a revelation. One strives to give back, to live in harmony with “The way of the universe”
Conversely, those insecure with their abilities, tend to become especially competitive, constantly striving to be noticed and approved.

Many times these people do gravitate to positions of notoriety and “success.” Many become politicians or leaders in some other capacity.

The problem is when these types of people reach the plateau that our society defines as success, it often corrupts their personal priorities. They lose sight of what is important in this life….. Why?
Because, like it or not, the only things that matter, the only things you actually have is that which you give.
The problem with our political / government system today
All the problems of our political system today boils down to one thing. The reason for all the vicious division, stagnation, bickering, and contention is a lack of humility. A true leader should not need self-validation. A true leader should be happy to admit mistakes, knowing that mistakes are the best form of education.

The only real success an elected official has is knowing the lives of their constituents have improved.
A functional society needs to advance

The key factor of a productive society is dependent on fresh ideas.
The true measure of success is to mirror the direction regarding the natural universal laws. Simply put; Think forward, go forward, live forward. Reinvent yourself!

Creative Genius Leonardo da Vinci

The direction forward is the ultimate demonstration of growth. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), the famous painter, inventor, scientist, engineer, anatomist, understood the value of studying nature as the ultimate instructor. By looking at the world around us, humanity has learned more and grown immeasurably. When we study the things that work, the behaviors and designs that have benefited the natural world we can master our environment and solve problems for a better life. Examples are literally in every aspect of our lives.

Observing and understanding the human immune system allowed Jonas Salk to develop vaccines, a medical treatment responsible for saving hundreds of millions, perhaps billions of lives. When a seed is moistened and in the correct mixture of air and minerals from the soil, a beautiful plant or tree sprouts upward and forward. With sunshine, in time, it will give forth oxygen and nutritious fruits.

Politicians need to learn the age-old lessons of our forefathers. Obviously, they were capable enough to get themselves elected. With that, they should recognize that the role they chose is solely for the benefit of the other. They need to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. They chose a profession consistent with the ways of the universe, based on giving to the community.

A public servant should have no concern whatsoever about their image, popularity, or financial gain for themselves. If another government official is successful, they need to recognize that contribution and encourage more accomplishments, regardless of party affiliation. Honesty and humility should be paramount in every possible action. The way to display smartness should not be through aggrandizement, but by quiet leadership forward and by positive action.

The big bang theory claims that the universe is expanding forward. It remains a theory, but nevertheless, every tangible and intangible entity is in motion and has a purpose. Those who choose to fight against the tide will always be met with disappointment. Like it or not, the way of the universe, is synchronized to go in only one direction…Our leaders have been out of sync with the laws of nature for way too long. Leaders need to lead us in the only feasible direction….. Forward