How to have a civilized conversation or debate when emotions are involved.
The million dollar question and the free answer

This is the million dollar question….Especially in today’s political environment. The factual truth is that in every discussion there is a factual truth, albeit truth and facts have become more easily manipulated in this age of information (or this misinformation age).

There is nothing wrong with “buying” In fact it actually helps the economy and creates jobs.
The problem is many are unaware of how easily they have been manipulated to believe what they see and hear and they “buy into” ideas, philosophies, attitudes, and perspectives that are not only false but are destructive to their true goals
The solution / answer…. Know the source of the information. Most likely it is from a for profit organization. News media are obligated to advertisers, who are interested in selling their products. In addition check the political bias of the news source. Try a tool like allsides media bias chart.
Loose the drama
When emotions take over people tend to lose themselves. Hopefully, a level headed person can catch themselves before they get irrational. But how can you control the other’s level of emotion? The answer is you can try, but if your conversation turns ugly, just walk away.
The best answer is is to just use your head

Physics Nobel Laureate Albert Einstein said it best:
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