“Quarantine” definition:

“A state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed.”
Is it right try to put a positive spin on Coronavirus?

People are suffering and dying…
What makes this different?
For the past few years no one can deny the changes in our nation, the tone of discussions, the attitude in politics.
The Best of Times
This, being the start of the third decade of the 2000’s, has thus far rendered our planet the highest standard of living of all time, the least wars, the best healthcare breakthroughs allowing extended longevity. Along with this wealth, and unprecedented gains in the quality of life, worldwide communication has become the norm. An idea, an artistic expression or sentiment can be shared worldwide almost instantly.

We are the actually in the best place and time in all of human history. In proportion to the population, which is approaching 8 billion, at the time of this writing, there is less conflict than at anytime in history. Never before has this many people from this many different cultures lived in more congested urban areas together, and for the most part quite peacefully. The New York City subway system is actually a marvel of cultural harmony.

Paradoxically, many have found themselves following the path of hate and anger especially regarding politics. Just a quick look at twitter, even with regard to a health crisis proves how vile the conversation can be. At the end of the day, no one can possibly predict the future with certainty. The idea that anyone can criticize on how best to navigate this issue is sad a demonstration of their own lack of social skills. Filling one’s heart with hate never leads down a positive path. More troubling is the fact that much of the hatred of today is all actually self inflicted.

This rampant, unchecked anger has done nothing but cause division. Another word for division is separation.

At the time of this writing many Americans are separated from their normal routine and those who play a part in it.

Perhaps, the current energy in the world… The tone, the lack of respect for the other.. The self inflicted disdain for others…The anger, division and hatred….The subsequent separation in our environment has taken on a life of it’s own. Along with a higher standard of living comes a greater responsibility in terms of respect and civility. Unfortunately along with this new mass communication comes a need to stand out of the crowd. Getting attention is no longer about truth or introducing something novel or wise….The most successful strategy in getting attention on news or social media is shock.
Ironically, we have been forced to separate from each other even those we love.

Perhaps being forced to disconnect will bring about a new appreciation of human contact.
If any good comes from this virus it may just be a new era. That which produces a yearning for a more united population, a respect and tolerance for the other. As in the past it is through the struggles that humanity grows.