A look forward toward the future from a website called Forward Wing. This has to be good.
Don’t expect the future to be left, right, or backward wing. After all, the idea of taking a look forward toward the future essentially connotes moving ahead, ascending, progressing…

Although time always moves forward, the future of society can go either way. It can move forward, grow, advance, and improve, or society can stagnate, stall, and digress.
Two future trend scenarios, in looking forward
When a major societal change takes place instantly it easily recognized. When it happens gradually, it is generally accepted as routine. A look forward at the future ahead can be understood when we explore the changes in the last two decades regarding large corporations and authoritative government behaviors. The examples below illustrate a minute inconvenience that has become accepted as commonplace. It represents a much more problematic change and how easily a loss of freedom can be accepted.
Scenario 1
The advantages of a well-conditioned compliant population

Example 1 Reaching the intended goal: Human contact
When I call the small shop down the block, the owner or a worker picks up the phone and warmly answers.
If I call a large multinational corporation, I need to go through a myriad of menu options before the intended goal is reached. With compliance, some luck, and patience, an actual human being will answer the phone. If I try to circumvent the menu by pressing 0, in most instances a punishment is administered; “You have selected an invalid option”, followed by either to “go back and press a valid option” or the emotionless “goodbye”.
Example 2 The same is true when online

When trying to reach any type of intended goal online we are given little choice. If we want the product, service, job, convenience, social presence, communication, education, or anything offered through the internet we a forced to obey. The larger the online organization the less freedom.
Large Corporations and Large Government

In terms of having to deal with these entities, we are left with little or no choices. The wealth and control afforded the largest corporations have eclipsed anyone’s expectations over the last few decades. When large corporations become so big that people are forced to deal with them, they become similar to an overly controlling authoritarian government.
Call it what you will
Socialism, dictatorship, totalitarianism, communism, it’s all the same…

When a society has been conditioned to a “must comply“, “must conform“, and worse still… “Must not question”, mentality, they have lost the freedom to choose.
More dangerous still is when people don’t even notice the change. Although that change has happened slowly, many may fail to take notice that something is just not right.

Apathy is the greatest tool for a demagogue.
History has proven that this path, is the path of every failed regime from the beginning of time. The people end up living in minimal contentment and in stagnation, while those in charge live in incredible opulence. These socialistic systems are designed to make it vertually impossible for the average person to climb out from poverty.
The “must comply“, “must not question” mindset does have its place in some aspects of some cultures, but only when used with caution. It will advance the goals of those who are in charge of the “bigger is better” organizations… But only at the expense of losing individuality, innovation, artistic expression, and ultimately the advancement (forward momentum/betterment) of a culture.
Scenario 2

Recognize the advantages of both mindsets, while maximizing freedoms. People always need choices. Many are comfortable in the corporate or government-related environment, but individual freedom can never be lost or discounted.

A forward-moving civilization desperately needs the small business entrepreneur who is not afraid to take chances and create something new that never before existed. Only through the competition granted through the capitalist system can a culture move forward toward the future.
Which is better?
In conclusion
Will we continue to accept being conditioned to act like programmed robots by a handful of misguided narcissists, or can we create a future concerned with the improvement and advancement of the overall human condition based on the morals and values that have proven the most effective over the millennia?