The following essay was published after the 2020 Presidential election
An apolitical viewpoint of the election now that the dust has cleared
It is possible to make an unbiased assessment of the last 3 months concerning the election? It seems virtually no other media organization is even attempting to cover the 2020 election from a totally apolitical unbiased viewpoint.
Sometimes we need to step back and look at the big picture.

As stated previously Forward Wing and our affiliate News Without Bias strongly supports only one bias; An integrity bias. Integrity, and truth, not only involves behavior toward others but equally, even more importantly, integrity involves one’s own mindset.
The birthplace of bias
One’s mind is fully capable of self-deception or bending the truth. Virtually everyone practices self-deception in one form or another. Rationalization can be used for a positive purpose or the opposite. This phenomenon is completely unrelated to social, and economic status, or one’s level of education.
Pre world war ll Germany was among the most educated and cultured nations in the world in virtually every discipline, admired by all of western civilization. The population was highly educated and outstanding in sports, arts, communications, sciences, engineering, and more.

Yet these highly educated, cultured, thinking intelligent people succumbed to an ideology that ultimately led to the greatest human-devised catastrophe in history. Besides the 6 million Jews that were systematically exterminated, the overall worldwide death toll, as a result of the Nazi regime was over 60 Million.
All caused by the human flaw, known as self-deception.
For more information on this fascinating subject read “Living a Lie: We Deceive Ourselves to Better Deceive Others” from Scientific America
The antidote for self-deception is quite simple as set forth by the great German-born thinker Albert Einstein “Question Everything” Albert Einstein

Are humans capable of governing themselves? (This may seem like an absurd simplistic question, but please, read on…)

Sorry to offer another simplistic answer to a question.
This question has actually created its own industry. The number of studies, books, and university courses dedicated to this subject is mindboggling. The real, unbiased non-political answer is yes given one distinction regarding the description of what it means to be a leader.
The people who govern other people need to be just that; Leaders, concerned only with leading. They need to be unbiased, non-political, and above all, morally incorruptible. They need to be unable to be bribed or intimidated and incapable to do anything unethical. They need to be exceptionally humble, and only concerned about the people they serve.
The problem is most people with these characteristics are not interested in living in the spotlight.
Unfortunately, the media has become the only method to communicate and get a message across to the public. Social climbing and media attention tends to repel kind-natured, honest, humble, and righteous people from seeking leadership positions. At the same time, the media has no interest in promoting people that are humble and moral as they are perceived by the public as boring.
The shock and awe celebrity types make for much higher viewership in an industry fiercely competing for attention.
Lack of purpose

In a confusing world void of purpose, priorities become distorted. People find goals in the arbitrary, rather than things that really matter. They admire the superficial, becoming obsessed with meaningless material pursuits.
As an extreme example, if someone collects shoes as a goal, what amount of shoe ownership would be considered mentally ill? 200, 500, 1000? What if someone had collected 1,000,000 shoes and still only cared about obtaining more? All would agree this person needs help.
There are those who have enough wealth for 100 generations. There are some, for example with a net worth of 400 million dollars, which is fine. But if their only concern is with having 401 million dollars there is something wrong. More disturbing is that not only does our society not consider this odd, we actually admire these people.
It may seem absurd to ask these questions, but…
Recent changes in our society have been so extreme, that the following questions actually need to be addressed and reflected upon as a wake-up call…
Absurd question 1)Why do we need a government?
As an individual or small group, we really don’t. Living alone in the woods or somewhere “off the grid” is certainly an option. However, if you enjoy any of modern life’s little amenities you do.
If people want protection from the elements, like heating, electricity, plumbing, If they value schools, transportation, work opportunities, healthcare, a variety of foods, entertainment, shopping, or being around people, and companionship, some kind of monitoring entity needs to be in place.
Keeping these many systems operable requires an agreed-upon operating system, also known as laws. And we also need some form of governing body to create and enforce the rules that allow society to function.
Absurd question 2) Why do we need laws, boundaries, restrictions, and regulations?

Like it or not, anarchy and civility do not work well together.
The scientific answer
The following written content is an excerpt from the essay “Boundaries and Regulations” by
Regulations are not only what allows society to exist, it is literally what allows existence to exist.
Regarding the physical world, the universe is made up of various patterns of energy, particles, atoms, and molecules that have various individual characteristics.
By definition, the only reason anything physical exists or happens is because of the limitations, boundaries, regulations, and restrictions imposed on these particles or forces by what many call “Nature.”
The tangible matter of the universe has to be separated and regulated in order for our reality to be something other than a universe that is disordered chaos. Likewise, time adheres to restrictions. Time flows in only one direction (forward).
Restrictions are necessary for our day-to-day activity. The examples are everywhere and in everything. In driving, we need road signs, lights, and lanes. In cooking we need restrictions. Salt is good but only in moderation. Restrictions allow language, art, and financial systems to function. A computer functions because of codes programmed using various combinations of zeros and ones. The examples are endless.
Without regulations, all of existence, absolutely everything from the living to the inanimate, from the tangible to the intangible, would cease to exist. Without restrictions, existence would melt into empty lonely chaotic muck.
Without societal restrictions, mankind would be reduced to an animal-like life of selfishness and self-gratification. Even our treasured domesticated animals are only of value after we have trained them with boundaries and restrictions.
Therefore, the governing body that creates and enforces the rules, is the only way for society to properly function.
Absurd question 3) Why is the validity of elections so important?
Now that we’ve established the need for laws and enforcement of the laws, we will now see how the need arises for a consensus among the population.
But what does any of this have to do with the election?
“E Pluribus Unum”
The Latin phrase meaning “One from many,”
Reading below will be well worth the time. You’ll understand everything. Everything!
The following written content is an excerpt from the essay “Oneness” by
The theme of this oneness begins with the assumption that all people should strive to have a good life. That does not necessarily include or exclude the following: Fame, fortune, popularity, physical or mental stamina, number of descendants, good looks, the number of possessions, amount of vacations, and pleasures,…. You get the picture, at the end of the day a good life is actually irreverent to most of the things we have been told we need.

The assumption goes on that the best form of education is by observing the world around us. For example when we study biology and how it adapts to its environment we can learn to adapt ourselves to various situations better. When we try to understand not only that some types of art are more pleasant, but if we can know why they are more appealing, we will be more able to beautify our surroundings.

As scientists probe deeper into space and particles, the one consistency found is that matter tends to join together. They can now see galaxies forming and understand the models of atoms and molecules.
Tangible matter when joined can be purposeful.

Randomness and chaos are the opposite. Particles and space matter when alone remain purposeless. But joined as a galaxy rotating around a center they form a beautiful site that radiates light.

At some point in human history, people realized that there is enormous value in working together for common goals. By abhorring disunity and seeing themselves as one unified entity, cooperating for a common purpose, they could have more control over their destiny and everyone benefits.

The word “one” is difficult to define. In mathematics, it is the first positive or the whole. “One” also suggests the absence of separation. A perfect example is when two single people marry, they become one entity or as with a club or association. In this sense, the word “one” is adhering to the strict mathematical definition, where one can be divided into an infinite number of fractions or elements. Nonetheless, the fractions, at all times and under all conditions make up the one.
The value of unification in the world
Unification in society can not be underestimated. The value of people working together for a common goal versus disunity is self-evident as will be explained.

When this definition of “one,” is understood and recognized universally, people will ultimately “learn war no more” As we gain wisdom understanding, and knowledge by observing the ways and order of the universe, seeing the oneness in everything as well as mankind, this will lead to a new era. In other words, understanding the oneness within the design of everything is the key that has, and ultimately will unlock humanity from the shackles of conflict and adversity.

Human history and biology, an analogy

Just as our bodies are made of trillions of individual cells, each performing a different job, however, they all miraculously work together for the one purpose that gives life to our bodies.
The cells are themselves important but the focal point should be on the whole.
Again, we need to step back and look at the big picture.
When we lose sight of the big picture we resemble what the ancients called idol worshipers.
When people put their reliance on the fragments of life (the superficial or idol) and ignore or deny the whole, they underestimate the purposefulness of life. Along with this mindset they naturally end up overestimating themselves.
All this boils down to greed and selfishness. Rather than seeing all things as intrinsically one or whole, and part of something much greater than themselves, they become self-absorbed, as there is nothing curtailing their own self-importance. This way of thinking will inevitably lead to a meaningless life.
The Idol worship of ancient times seems inconceivable today. The idea that reasonably intelligent people would worship a figurine that was created by human hands is unimaginable in this day and age. One would think that any culture with the advanced intelligence to design, build, carve, or mold something resembling a being could surely reason this could not possibly be a deity with divine powers.
Although not as blatantly visible, many forms of idol worship are alive and well in this current era. In glorifying the morsels in our society, rather than embracing the oneness we are guilty of this idol worship.

The examples are numerous: Over admiration of famous people, technology, money, and even putting too much belief in a political party’s philosophy, deeming it infallible, are all forms of this mistake.
The advent of monotheism (the prefix “mono” is defined as one) turned things upside down somewhere around 4000 years ago.
The hopefully not absurd conclusion
Back to the best form of education is by observing the world around us.
Like the laws of nature, as discussed above, a nation is only successful, strong, and purposeful when there is unity. And unity can not happen without a purpose. Purpose can only be decided through communication, and civil communication requires a reliable, untainted arena where all participants have a voice.
Direction Matters
Going back to the earlier discussion regarding the regulations and restrictions that allow particles to join together in order to make atoms, and atoms combine as molecules, and so on. In order for a civilization to be purposeful, successful, and continue holding together, the administrative entity needs to be unquestionably credible.
Integrity Matters
Using the analogy of the molecular particles joining together, as people, we can now see a consensus among the population and the need to be completely trustworthy. If just one link in the chain of the communication is faulty then the direction, the purpose, the method, to build, to create, to function is structurally flawed.
Humans are social and are at an advantage when they unite for a common purpose. Before the last 150 years leaders were not codependent on various forms of mass communication.
The various forms of media have had enormous growth, to the point of having taken on a life of their own. The complex data and algorithms of electronic media tend to favor the voices of the less benevolent over the truthful and altruistic.
The system (mass communication / cultural advancement) has evolved in a manner that is counterproductive to the very purpose of society.
Unfortunately many have been conditioned to believe that family values are boring and don’t represent the future.
But what is the alternative without election integrity, in a world void of truthful information, morals, and integrity? What is a society without leaders who care about those they lead?
What percentage of the population is 100% honest 100% of the time?
Given the over 100 million cases filed each year in state trial courts, while roughly 400,000 cases are filed in federal courts; Given the 2.2 million incarcerated and the 4.7 million on parole, or probation, the millions in drug rehab programs; Given the amount of self-deception as discussed at the beginning of this essay… Seems the answer to the question about honesty is beyond indisputable.
Therefore, in order for a voting system to be as accurate as possible, the amount of human access to the apparatus used to vote needs to be minimized as much as possible.
Voter Integrity
Computer voting will always be corrupt. We need to bring back the old mechanical voting machines and have America vote again. The purpose of an election is to determine the will of the majority of the nation. No honest person or any honest politician should oppose this.

We are constantly told how we are better off with wholesome products from earlier times. Medical, as well as health and wellness experts, know the damage done by consuming these additives.
100 years ago all food was organic. People didn’t have a choice.

Chemicals and preservatives did not exist before the technology of pesticides, fungicides, and food preservatives.
Some things are just better off being low-tech… Voting is one of them.
Digressing is not impossible

The Circumference of Earth was calculated over 3000 Years Ago.
The following is an excerpt of “Moving Forward” from
The Ancient Egyptians calculated the earth’s circumference between 3750-1500 BC: They determined this by the comparison of the shadow cast from an object on the summer solstice noon and compared the different shadows of two distant locations.
There is evidence that at the time of Columbus, in 1492 Spain, some 3000 + years later, many less educated people actually believed the world was flat and that a boat sailing west would eventually fall off the face of the Earth. Is it possible civilization does not necessarily always advance “forward”? Cultures have progressed and declined throughout history. Read the entire article here
“Computer voting will always be corrupt” As a former computer forensics investigator I can categorically say that comment is false.
Thank you for taking the time to read the entire essay entitled “An unbiased look at the 2020 election”. I have been giving your comment a lot of thought. So much thought that I decided to add two paragraphs prior to saying “Computer voting will always be corrupt”
Please read the following:
What percentage of the population is 100% honest 100% of the time?
Given the over 100 million cases filed each year in state trial courts, while roughly 400,000 cases are filed in federal courts; Given the 2.2 million incarcerated and the 4.7 million on parole, or probation, the millions in drug rehab programs; Given the amount of self-deception as discussed at the beginning of this essay… Seems the answer to the question about honesty is beyond indisputable.
Therefore, in order for a voting system to be as accurate as possible, the amount of human access to the apparatus used to vote needs to be minimized as much as possible.
Thank you again for your valuable comment